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Shoes and Sneakers

New Store Page: Shoes and Sneakers for Height

Shoes and sneakers are the best way to boost your height without surgery. Check out the new Store page for shoes and sneakers which produce the largest height gains.
Save your precious time and make shopping for the best height boosting shoes more convenient.
Famous brand names and styles. Excellent ratings and reviews.

Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Surgery

You probably heard of a surgical procedure called cosmetic leg lengthening surgery or limb lengthening surgery (CLL) to get taller. You probably know little about CLL except for a few vague ideas, such as that CLL:

So many questions about limb lengthening surgery, also known as leg lengthening surgery, height increase surgery, or bone lengthening surgery. Yet there is limited information and resources available on the intriguing topic on how an adult can grow taller. There is also much misinformation and scams out there on growing taller for adults.

Welcome to the Height Journey website. This website is meant to be a helpful resource for those interested in or going through CLL. This website is maintained by an actual CLL patient who lengthened his femurs first and then his tibias one year after with the Precice 2.2 internal nails.

Benefits of being Taller with Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Surgery

The impact height can make. Not an actual leg lengthening patient, but a photo mockup and comparison of how a leg lengthening patient would look and benefit if he lengthened his femurs and tibias.

Heightism, aka height discrimination, is real and prevalent in our society. Research and actual experiences of shorter people confirm that shorter job applicants have more difficult times getting hired for more powerful and higher salary jobs and being promoted to higher job positions. Shorter men have more troubles finding a woman for dates or marriage. Shorter adults are often treated like children rather than adults.

Here are some of the more popular videos on heightism.

Find out more about Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Surgery

Use the menu bar to navigate through this website and learn more about CLL.